WASHINGTON – After a rambling and wide-ranging 21 hour quasi-filibuster of a motion to move forward on a government funding bill, in an attempt to defund the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, Ted Cruz has now officially overtaken a Carnival Cruise as inarguably America’s least favorite Cruz.
Senator Cruz’s crowning this week as the nation’s worst, comes only months after being named, in a Gallup poll, the world’s least enjoyed, ranking lower than both suspended Texas Rangers’ outfielder and steroid user Nelson Cruz, and the highly lethal Tomahawk cruise missile.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) speaking on the Senate floor last week, displacing Speed II: Cruise Control as the worst Cruz to be forced to watch for 90 or more minutes. – (AP Photo)
Weighing in on Cruz’s approval rating at a press conference Monday afternoon, actress and Cruise expert Katie Holmes mixed no words in her appraisal. “Today, having diligently weighed a variety of pros and cons, I can confidently announce that Ted has now dropped below Tom in a ranking of Cruzes I’d ever consider marrying.” Holmes was later joined on stage by Penelope Cruz, who expressed deep sympathy for her family, her one-time boyfriend Cruise, and anyone else having to share a last name even slightly resembling that of the junior United States senator from Texas.
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