Monthly Archives: September 2013

Opinion: Ted now officially nation’s worst Cruz
WASHINGTON – After a rambling and wide-ranging 21 hour quasi-filibuster of a motion to move forward on a government funding bill, in an attempt to defund the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, Ted Cruz has now officially overtaken a Carnival Cruise as inarguably America’s least favorite Cruz. Senator Cruz’s crowning this week as the nation’s worst, comes […]

Congressman forgets whether he is for or against blowing shit up
WASHINGTON – Speaking ahead of a pending House vote on whether or not to authorize the use of military force in Syria, representative Tim Richardson (R – Wyoming) has admitted to completely forgetting whether his long-held foreign policy platform includes him being unequivocally for or against exploding the fuck out of America’s enemies. “I think […]

Comedy Central Announces Upcoming Roast of Stephen Hawking
LOS ANGELES – With the success of past Comedy Central roasts of James Franco and Roseanne Barr, the Viacom basic cable network announced Monday it will be continuing its series with “Comedy Central’s Roast of Stephen Hawking”, set to air in early October. Appearing at a press event in Hollywood Tuesday, Roast mainstay comedian Jeffrey […]