Monthly Archives: March 2013

Game of Thrones launches civil rights tie-in campaign

LOS ANGELES – With the third season of HBO’s fantasy drama Game of Thrones premiering this coming Sunday, the network Tuesday launched the latest in its innovative teaser ad campaign, tying in with the popular civil rights organization, the Human Rights Campaign. The ad, depicting the shadow of a dragon overflying the most basic symbol of […]

Pope enjoying 2013 conclave with friends Kevin, Darren

MIAMI – While no longer in the running for the Catholic Church’s top job, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has been actively following the drama and excitement of the 267th Papal election from his off-season home in Miami, with close high-school classmates Kevin Nichols and Darren Jackson. Reached for comment by phone Tuesday evening, the former […]

Über to test launch new ‘José’ handyman service

SAN FRANCISCO – Following on the impressive success of its app based black-car platform in markets around the globe, today Über announced the Beta launch of its newest offering, ‘José’, an on-demand handyman location service. Starting Monday, users downloading the free iPhone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry app will be able to view the locations of friendly, […]